"Povey Prattle" is taking a rest. (Goodbye Micky)

 Povey Prattle is taking a rset.

I am doing this because when I transfer  Povey Prattle stuff to Facebook (which is how most of you see it) a photo' of the poet MickyScottBeyJones often attaches itself to my posting.

I've not been able to find a way to delete the story I wrote about Micky very many years ago.  It's one of life's minor annoyances.

So I will no longer post on Povey Prattle.  If you are one of the five or six readers or followers of that blog you'll be able to read my nonsense and good sense  on a new blog "More Prattle from Povey"

If you follow me on Facebook there is nothing you need to do.  The only difference is that you'll no longer see the confusing photo' of Micky Scott Bey Jones.

But do look her up via a web search.  She is a terrific poet.


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