And then there were horses

My U.K. sister, brother in law, nieces and great niece. together with my U.S.A friend Ashley did some horseback trail riding in Myakka State Forest last Monday They did so using the Englewood FL based horse rescue organisation "A Bit of Hope" (clever name). I did it two years ago and enjoyed myself, save for the three day backache which followed my equestrian adventure. L-R Niece Leah, Bro-in-Law Dennis, Sister Ruth, Niece Beth, Friend Ashley, Great Niece Bree. Dennis, followed by Beth. Ashley, Dennis, Beth But dearie, dearie me. Just before the end of the ride they had to go off trail and the lead rider stirred up a hornet's nest. Dennis and Ruth each got one sting. Leah had multiple stings. Later in the evening she felt unwell so we took her to the ER/A&E at Doctors Hospital, SRQ for a check up. Leah's vitals were good, but she was on Prednisone for three days as a precaution. * Leah is fine....