The Revd Jeremiah Wright - an American hero and truth teller

The Revd. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama’s Pastor is, of course, being demonised by the hypocritical right wing/christian fundamentalist cabal which dominates American media.

Not one of the fundamentalist/fascist preachers and pundits is able to be anything near “fair” or “balanced” - or even accurate.

Their hatred for the Gospel of Jesus is palpable. They prefer a “Gospel” of Americanism.

Fundamentalists are, at best, heretics.

Please see the Revd. Jeremiah Wright’s speech to the NAACP April 27th to get an idea of how this good man is committed to the biblical Jesus.

And if this link does not work, do a Google or You-Tube search for his masterful speech.

And please do not forget that Pastor Wright’s political and religious opponents posit a Jesus who is like a white skinned, blue eyed, crew cut, all American boy. He’s probably (in their minds) a Marine, dedicated to killing all the infidel Muslims.

This perverted image is an insult to our brothers and sisters who are Marines, Muslims, or African Americans.

And it is a blasphemy against G-d,

Pastor Wright is pilloried for saying “God damn America”. I think that I’d want to say the same were I poor, homeless, unemployed or black. I’d say the same were I a mentally ill person, “warehoused” in one of our ghastly prisons.

And I’d base my words on Holy Scripture (G-d’s infallible Word) according to the right wing fundamentalrepugs.

For how does our beloved Nation stack up against the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 25, Verses 31-46? In that passage it is the Nations who are judged.


  1. Hi, Michael,
    I hear your passion! Do you think persons who do not feel moved by his preaching are fundamentalists? I saw Rev. Wright on the News Hour, and he seemed to say an attack on him is an attack on Black church. When asked about the chickens coming home to roost, he said, "Have you read the whole sermon? No? Well, that cancels that question!" To me he sounded flip and rude.

    Another good friend of mine agrees with your point that with gotcha journalism no one pauses to ask whether Wright is right in what he says. Of course he and you are right that America is letting down large segments of the population. In Wright's preaching, though, the inflammatory language in our out of context is counterproductive to positive change--and especially dragging down Barack Obama's message to transcend race. I think the whole unfortunate situation including the Reublican and media reaction shows Obama is not up to the job that he himself wants to do.

  2. While I understand the situation and have great sympathy and empathy, Dr. Wright's recent resurfacing of the controversy swirling around him is not helping Mr. Obama. This may be seen as a good in some quarters, but it is not good for the presidential campaign.

  3. Michael,
    I was saddened to hear this afternoon that Mr. Obama denounced Rev. Wright today in North Carolina. And I am very, very angry at the deep ingestion of the right wing views into our media, NPR included. They are attempting character assassination of Mr. Obama, as they did with Dr. Dean 4 years ago. Only I don't think we get another chance this time--global warming, the food crisis, it is terribly late in the game. I view Mr. Obama as the leader with the greatest potential in 40 years to heal the nation and return it to its greatness. I am not in despair, but feel a deep sense of forboding...
    Thank you for standing up clearly for Rev. Wright; I heard him on Bill Moyers and was mightily impressed. Here is a prophetic voice telling America the truth it does not want to hear! But at its peril, to be sure.
    Yours in the peace of Christ,
    Tom Hirschi

  4. Michael,
    I was saddened to hear this afternoon that Mr. Obama denounced Rev. Wright today in North Carolina. And I am very, very angry at the deep ingestion of the right wing views into our media, NPR included. They are attempting character assassination of Mr. Obama, as they did with Dr. Dean 4 years ago. Only I don't think we get another chance this time--global warming, the food crisis, it is terribly late in the game. I view Mr. Obama as the leader with the greatest potential in 40 years to heal the nation and return it to its greatness. I am not in despair, but feel a deep sense of forboding...
    Thank you for standing up clearly for Rev. Wright; I heard him on Bill Moyers and was mightily impressed. Here is a prophetic voice telling America the truth it does not want to hear! But at its peril, to be sure.
    Yours in the peace of Christ,
    Tom Hirschi


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