
My sleep last night (Nov 5th) was very restless.  At one point in my dreams I was trying to find my father (who died in 1974).  I was supposed to meet him in a local motorbike/scooter dealership, (the place where he and I bought my first Lambretta scooter back in about 1964), but all the streets were bereft of street lights, and thus were pitch black. 
I never could find Dad or the dealership.   I hated the darkness.
Then, in the same (or another) dream I was walking down a road and singing aloud  a gospel chorus from the days of my youth.
"On Calvary, he died for me
That I his love might know.
To set me free, he died for me.
That's why I love him so".
As I sang that song in my dream, I was joined by a father and a son who walked alongside me, and joined in the singing.  It was so beautiful.
Maybe I was the son in that dream, and the father was my dear Dad. Certainly it felt very comforting.
Tuesday's election results in the U.S.A.  brought me no comfort.
This cartoon sums it up.

Sunrise, Nov 6th 2014 over the St.Werburgh's district of  Bristol, UK.


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