Raise your glass to the great Diane Rhem

I first encountered the Diane Rehm show on New Hampshire Public Radio when I was driving to Dartmouth in that State.

At first I thought her speaking voice to be a bit odd, but when I discovered the reason for its idiosyncratic cadences I began to admire and respect her courage and determination as a broadcaster, (See link below).

My local stations in Pittsfield  (WAMC) and Cambridge (WBUR) were too high and mighty to air the Diane Rehm Show, so it was not until I moved to Sarasota that listening to it became a very important part of my weekday mornings, as I tuned into WUSF.

Diane's  programme has two distinct and discrete live broadcasting hours, one from 10:00 - 11:00, the other from 11:00 to Noon.  Her topics are eclectic and broad, her guests include people with a wide range of interests and political views,

What I have most liked about Diane is that she has never failed to name horse-sh-t as horse-sh-t. She has never let her guests get away with half-truths, evasions and pomposity.  To be on her show is to have your feet held to the fire.

I add that Ms. Rehm is never unprepared,  Her pre-show research is formidable, aided by (I think) an all female staff.  Way to go!

After thirty seven years of broadcasting,, her final two hours will be tomorrow, December 23rd.  I will be glued to the radio between 10:00 and Noon.

Together with millions of other Americans I will believe that I am saying au revoir to a dear and trusted friend.  I have often had the fantasy that I could sit down for dinner with Diane Rehm in a fine Washington D.C. restaurant; that I would learn so much from her; and that she would be interested in my life.

Hail and farewell Diane Rehm.  You have enriched my life in so many important ways.  Thank you.


P.S.  I cannot end without bragging that Diane Rehm is a proud and devoted Episcopalian, YEAH!

President Obama awards the 2013 National Humanities Medal to radio host Diane Rehm during a ceremony in the White House, Monday, July 28, 2014.   (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)





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