Outside my comfort zone

I recently read "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand.  As the blurb on the cover of the paperback edition states, it is indeed "A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption".

It is the story of Louis Zamperini

a teenage delinquent, an Olympic athlete, a WWII airman in what was then the U.S. Army Air Force, a survivor of forty seven days adrift on a raft in the Pacific, a prisoner of the Japanese in hellish conditions - being subjected to cruelty beyond belief, and post war sufferer from what we know call P.T.S.D. until his conversion to Christ at an early Billy Graham Crusade, leading to Zamperini's own crusade for justice and Christian reconciliation.

It's not my usual kind of book.  The accounts of life in Japanese POW camps are so ghastly that I could scarcely read more than three or four pages each day.

But despite that I recommend the book and its ultimate story of redemption and reconciliation. Be prepared to bite your knuckles. 

Pre-owned paper back editions (Random House 2010) are readily available from internet based vendors.

For better or for worse here is the Wikipedia version of Zamperini's  life.



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