The Learning Curve in My 77th year


Sinclair Gas/Petrol  Can  (Is Sinclair is now out of business?)

The Sinclair Electric Trike 1985; a a bold but unsuccessful innovation


But what about  Sinclair (as a first or last name)?

Thanks to my Face Book friend the Revd. Mark De C.  I learned that it is derived from Saint Claire  of Assisi  the friend and co-worker of St. Francis of Assisi. 

I'd never before made that connection.


It makes sense.

For instance,  in my evangelical background there was a  revered  Elder  with the name Harold St. John.  We evangelicals all knew  that his last name was pronounced Singin, rather than Saint John.

And when I moved to be the Rector at St. James's in Cambridge, MA (2000)  the Senior Warden's name was St. John Smith.

I knew well enough to call him Singin, rather than Saint  John.

Contrary wise, in Chicopee we had  a parishioner whose last name was St. John,  She was always known as Mrs. Saint John.

So there you have it! Who would have that the name Sinclair had saintly roots.


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