Another Good Park for My Morning Jaunts with Zion.

 I sometimes skip our morning walks at Arlington Park in favour of a jaunt at Sarasota's famous PAYNE PARK.

It's a semi sacred spot for me, cause the Boston Red Sox at one time called it home for Spring Training.

Payne Park does not have the semi-rustic charm of Arlington Park; with its old growth trees, shady areas, and "water fowl abundant" pond.

Nor should it be compared with Bayfront Park with its marinas, off shore mooring fields, and lovely breezes from the Bay.

But Payne Park has its own delightful worth.

Here is some stuff which tells the Payne Park tale

What the Payne Park website cannot convey is the utter delight for Zion and me,  when we are the only walkers there  in the very early morning.

Zion's nose enjoys the pee mail left by the previous evenings canine visitors.

My eyes rejoice in the beauty of this urban oasis.

My ears are caressed by the early morning bird song.


Who could ask for anything more?


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