(Mis)adventures in the Supermarket.

It's probably happened to you.  In a crowded and busy Supermarket you have walked away with another customer's shopping cart; or another customer has swanned away with yours. 

Silly mistakes; easily rectified.

Once upon a time in the always busy "Market Basket"  in Somerville, MA   I stood in front of my cart at the check out.  A woman in line behind me also stood in front of her cart.

I looked  back.  The good woman was nibbling on bagged grapes from my cart!  

We both saw the silly side of this.  No blood was shed.


This morning I loaded  my cart with some specific items which I needed  from our local  Detwiler's Farm Market.

I remembered that I needed whipping cream so I paused for a moment, left my cart in the aisle, and walked back to the dairy coolers.

Then my cart vanished. In its place was another cart, bearing items I had not bought.

Sounds simple eh?  Someone had walked away with my car instead of her own. (Yes I had noticed a female shopper at the spot I had left my cart).

I chased all over the store, but could not find the cart I'd been using. Had the person who'd taken it by mistake checked out the contents, thinking they were hers?

If so, did she not notice that she was paying for items she had not selected?

That would be odd indeed.  For surely I had been the only shopper with this eclectic set of comestibles?

 Oyster mushrooms, canned crab meat, ground beef and ground ham,
cobia filet (which I'd bought to make fish stock).

Not your ordinary, everyday selection of foodstuffs!  ( Yes, I had to retrace my footsteps to make my selections all over again.)


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