Humour in the Bible (2)
Given our historical and cultural distance from biblical literature, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether the humour we see is original to the writers, or if it arises from our 21st century frames of mind. With that caveat in mind, I find the passage below to be wonderfully funny. It’s a kind of reverse auction - going, going, gone, - but with descending bids. The scene is Abraham’s bargaining with the LORD regarding the fate of wicked Sodom/Gomorrah. ( Whatever else you understand, be assured that the “grievous sin” is NOT homosexuality.) The story is so near- eastern. It is a story of the bazaar; the souk; the market place. Abraham, with characteristic near-eastern “feigned humility”. (I am nothing but dust and ashes”) talks the LORD down from 50 to 10 as the required number of righteous people in Sodom. He is bold, even audacious, as he challenges the LORD on the LORD’S own terms “25 Far be it from you to do such a thing—to kill the righteous with the wicked...