My Three Minutes with Archbishop Desmond Tutu (Unforgettable)
Yesterday o n this Blog and on Facebook I reported on the visit of Archbishop Tutu to my Dentist in Cambridge, MA. See this Whilst Archbishop Desmond and his wife Leah were at the Episcopal Divinity School I had occasion to be there to have lunch with my friend and colleague the Revd. Andrew McGowan. He was then a Priest Associate at St. James's Cambridge, MA where I was the Rector. More importantly he was the Associate Professor of Early Christian History at E.D.S. As Andrew and I shared lunch, Archbishop Tutu wandered into the Refectory. "Andrew", I said, "would it be gauche of me to ask you to introduce me to the Archbishop?" No sooner said than done, Andrew introduced me to the Archbishop. I was not there for small talk. I was there for blessing. Just as Elisha asked that some of Elijah's spirit would be given to him, s...