When "texting" solves a problem.
When it comes to communications I am still a bit antediluvian I use e-mail far more than texting. Unlike my younger family members who invariably text rather than-mail I do not have hyperactive thumbs (the stylus on the smart phone helps me a lot!), and I do not know many of the short cuts( it took me ages to figure out that lol meant "laughing out loud", not "lots of love". BUT texting is not just for the young. I learned on Thursday that texting can be a boon for hard of hearing and deaf folks. As I was being prepped for my treatments I overheard the fifty something man in the next cubicle. It turned out that his mother had been designated to drive him home after his procedure. He said to the Nurse Anesthetist "There is no point in phoning my mother, she is very deaf. I will text her when you have cleared me to leave". WOW, texting is a useful tool for the deaf or hard of hearing in any age group. Now I hope that someone could design a...