
Showing posts from April 11, 2021


  I thought that I had solved my rat problem by sealing off the gap in the  wallboard through which he/she/they had treated as a Welcome Centre. No such luck. I have seen a rat in my kitchen  twice today.    Boo!  He or she has found another entry. I wait upon the actions of my Condominium Board to hire a Company to  find and seal each and every external rat entrance. I may not live enough for the Board to act. I am also waiting for a Pest Control Company to set some traps.  I called them last Tuesday, but have yet to set a day and time for their work. I will not use rat poison,  for three reasons. 1.  I understand that the poison causes great pain to rats before they die, 2.  I do not relish the long lasting stink from the corpse of a dead rat,  decaying behind the wall board or in the crawl space.  3. I hate to think that Zion could or would eat the poison. -------------------------------------------------...

How Many?

  How many unarmed white children and teenagers would have to be shot and killed by law enforcement officers before there would be a National campaign to reform policing practices?

On A Different Note (tee hee): A Splendid Hymn by Joseph Addison, (1672-1719) and a Bit About Him; and my High School education.

Joseph Addison ( 1672- 1719) was an English poet, essayist, playwright and politician;  and a co-founder of the U.K. (once daily, but now monthly)  "Spectator". He was the son of a Church of England Priest (but none of the websites name his mother). Addison has been identified as a Deist , but it is probably better to identify him as a "Carolinian" High Church rationalist.   Addison wrote a few hymns; one of which is well known to Anglicans in the  U.S.A.  It is his splendid  paraphrase of Psalm 19;   set to music from Haydn's  Creation Oratorio. What a wonderful hymn to 'belt out"  with its splendid harmonies;  here sung by a massed choir in India.  Here is another Addison  hymn with a fine tune: "When all Thy Mercies O my God" It was my U.K. Grammar  (High School) official hymn.  It is not too well known this  side of the Atlant...

Rats and Humour

I live in a single storey (British Engliah spelling) condo, the end unit in a  triplex. There are no fire walls between the units.  So if rats or squirrels make their way in they have a huge playground in the crawl spaces between the roofs and the ceilings. One such squatting rat has been visiting my unit, via an opening in the wall board  (made to do some plumbing work for the previous owner).  In nearly sixteen years I've never gotten round to having the opening blocked (duh). I've been storing Zion's kibble in a big plastic box (the type used to store blankets etc.) At first when I saw kibble on the floor I thought that I'd been careless when taking food out for Z. But  I heard the patter of tiny feet, and nocturnal squeaking. Then I discovered that the rodent had chewed through the box for its nightly feast!   Before I could get the opening fixed I barricaded the door to that the animal could not get into the kitchen.   A friend suggested...

Back to Work (Canine Ministry) Again. GREAT

Friday 9th April ANCHIN PAVILION, SARASOTA   Sunday 11th April DISCOVERY AT SARASOTA BAY, BRADENTON Monday 12th April BRENTWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, SARASOTA Second visit; this time with the third grade classmates of Sophia   who was killed in a road accident as she drove her scooter to school.


  Today is  "Nothing Particularly Important Day"

'Tis a gift to be simple (Shaker Song)

Simple lunch today. Baked Haddock with (store bought) Lemon Dill sauce. Carrots and Sugar Snap peas a bit undercooked, so that they were both hot and crunchy. GOOD  

My Ruby Red Week (no blood or plasters/bandages involved this time).

Friday 9th April '21 I    finally staunched the flow of  ruby red blood on my left hand.  But this was not to be the end. I settled down to sip on a glass of red wine in the early evening.  The universe had other things in mind. I knocked the stem glass of wine, and created a sea of ruby red wine. I hadn't even sniffed it, let alone taking a sip.  (I managed to grab the wine glass before it fell to the floor). Oh what a mess. Zion wanted to lick it up, and started to do so until I uttered a firm "NO". They say that there is no point in crying over split milk;   but wine is another matter! Two wet-moppings later it's all gone; without the use of a bandage/plaster! (The tiled floor needed cleaning in any case). But I cannot stop wondering about myself!  I don't do well with stemmed glasses.  My friend Ashley says that I should drink wine from a coffee cup  "No one will see" she said. What? "But I will" I replied. Maybe...