What's in a name?
My dog's given name is "Penny" - probably because her coat is the colour of a copper Penny. For a reason that is rooted in my weird sense of humour I changed the spelling to "Penne" (but I pronounce it as "penny"). That 's just the beginning. For Penne soon becomes "Penne-poo", which in turn becomes "Poopster" , or "Poops", or even "Poo-poo". I sometimes call her "Miss Tail Wagger" - for I believe that her tail contains the secret of perpetual motion. Sometimes she is "Miss Nosey". As we walk in the neighbourhood should a car door open or close; should we overhear a conversation across the pond; should some person close his/her front door; should some person be walking twenty, thirty or forty yards behind us - should any of this things happen, then Penne has to stop and look. She likes to know what is going on. Once in a while she is "Miss Fish Face" - don...