January 6th and those Wise Men/Magi/Kings
January 6th - "Little Christmas" in some Christian traditions - the end of the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Many Christians observe it with regard to the story in the gospel according to Matthew when the wise men (sometimes called the Magi) allegedly presented gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to to the young child Jesus. These days it is called the Feast of the Epiphany. It happens to fall on a Sunday this year. ( "Epiphany" many of us know that word as referring to those experiences of clarity about someone, some thing, some experience, some poem etc. which hitherto had been murky or unclear), In former times the Church of England calendar called it "The Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles" on the basis of a belief that the wise men were Gentiles. Matthew does not specify that there were three of them - but they became "The Three Wise Men" on the basis that t...