l'état, c'est moi (and some mini rants)
Louis XIV of France probably did not say that even though it is always attributed to him. Courtesy Manny F This is not Louis XIV, nor is it Napoleon Bonaparte. But to President Trump, alongside many Chief Executives in very many Nations (and the members of the current U.S. House and Senate), Lincoln's wisdom and words seem to be forgotten. Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth. Abraham Lincoln (Gettysburg Address). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now for the rants! (a) I have no patience with various journalists (and some of my friends) who speculate about President Trump's mental health. They do not have the professional expertise to make such a judgment. There may be a "feel good" aspect to these speculations but a definitive diagnosis of mental illness can only be made by a medical professional. What I can say based on his tweets a...