
Showing posts from July 18, 2021

I Got the Giggles this afternoon. Thank Goodness. I needed them!

  My friend A. stopped by this afternoon  to pick up the main course and the soups which I make for her and her  parents J and D every  weekend. I usually deliver these comestibles to their home;   but today it was more convenient for A to get them at my home. A. asked me about the main course I'd made.  A simple question indeed. But for reasons I cannot understand ( but welcomed) I could not give her a direct answer, Instead I began to giggle helplessly.  I could not stop.  I let my giggles take their course. What a relief!  My uncontrolled giggles relieved so much tension in my body (sacroiliitis); and in my mind and spirit.  I had let my guard down.  OLE!  Good For Me! And that main course? Egg Noodles, cooked in coconut milk, with mirepoix veggies, mushrooms and  meat balls. Good food, but my giggles were better!

To Use up your Daily Groan Quotient

 via my brother Dave ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Took Me a while to "Get" This.

  via Mark DeC

The Tragic End of a Marriage


Worth a Smile, if not a giggle

  Dad, are we pyromaniacs? Yes, we arson. What do you say to comfort a friend who's struggling with grammar? There, their, they're. I lost my girlfriend's audiobook, and now I'll never hear the end of it.



When I was a little boy.....

  ...  I thought that I was the only one who knew this song! "My Grandfather' s Clock" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In a like vein, when I first read the tales about Robin Hood I believed that I alone knew about him. Innocence is bliss when it's folly to be wise!

"Freedom Day" (July 19th 2021) in the U.K. "Whoop Dee Death" (Boris Johnson's dangerous fail)

FREEDOM TO BE STUPID    DEATH WILL FOLLOW. U.K.  Prime Minister Boris the Buffoons   plays Russian Roulette with the British Public. (see N.Y. Times article  below) He has taken inspiration  from former U.S.A. President Trump; and from the Governors of Texas (Abbott); Florida (DeSantis) - and others. To hell with the epidemiologists; with SAGE in the U.K.;  and the C.D.C. in the U.S.A. The economy is more important than human lives. Freedom Day is Disaster Day.   It's freedom to be stupid.