Here begins Compulsive Obsessive Disorder Week for the "Holy Clergy".
Of course it is more properly called "Holy Week". But as I look back on my years in parish ministry (thank God for them) I know that for me it often became fuss-pot week, or compulsive obsessive disorder week. I got so caught up in the minutiae of planning, and the desire to enable "perfect liturgies" that I most likely became a pain in the soul for parish office staff, musicians, singers, lay ministers etc. I also know that I often took up an unnecessary "non-negotiable" stance, so that it would all be done "my way". Now, from the pew-side of the congregation I wonder why a made such a fuss. It all seems to be so much less important than I once thought it to me. It's not that I am in favour of sloppiness or poor planning. But I make two observations. 1. Let's not have Liturgy for the sake of Liturgy. Our Holy Week observances are for the sake of God, for the sake of God's people, and as a witness to the deep grace o...