We must stop saying "Boots on the Ground". Boots do not get maimed or disfigured. Boots do not get dis-membered. Boots do not live with PTSD Boots do not leave broken hearted lovers, children, parents, spouses, boy-friends, girl-friends, uncles and aunts, grand-parents, neighbours, church friends, sisters and brothers. Boots do not leave their villages, their neighbourhoods, their towns and cities to fight in wars which politicians have mandated. Boots do not know all en-compassing fear and amazing courage. We send men and women to war, not boots. Men and women who know the tenderness of love, the faithfulness of family, the delight of their children, the strength of their friendships. Men and woman who are well trained, and loyal to the orders they have been given. Men and woman who hoped to grow old, sound in limb and mind, to rejoice in the lives of their children and grand-children; their lovers; their spouses; their dea...