Old Photographs of British Life; and My Grandfather - a Trawler-man.
. Gas lamplighter in Petworth, West Sussex, 1931. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This photograph reminded me that there were still some gas operated street lights in the Bristol of my childhood - say early fifties. There were a few in my area of Bristol and yes, I remember the lamplighter. He rode a bicycle; carrying the lamplighters pole and a ladder. The pole had a hook at the top end. The lamp was turned on in the evenings, and off in the mornings by means of a levered and balanced on/off device, each side with a metal circle at the end, through which the pole's hook was inserted. The ladder? This was to use if the lamps's mantle (made of fabric which had been infused with luminescent chemicals ) had broken and needed to be replaced. The lamps being lighted helped me to make sense of a hymn we often sang in the morning assembly at school. (see below) It was a council school (in American...