I walk for about an hour most days at 6:00 a.m. or even earlier. This means that I start my walk in the darkness, leading to morning twilight, and then to the light of day. Last Wednesday as I walked into morning twilight, the street lights were still on. I saw a faint shadow moving alongside me. I turned to see who was behind me. Then I realised that it was my own shadow, moving from behind me to before me as I walked passed a street light. When we walk towards the light the shadows are behind us. When we walk away from the light the shadows are ahead of us. I suppose that this has something to say about the notion of sin. Whe we walk away from the light (of G-d) the shadows are ahead of us. This (for me) means that we are always walking into the shadows of our past - the failures, disappointments, hurts and miseries of yesteryear. Repentance is to turn 180 degrees, and to walk towards the light (of G-d). Then the shadows are behind us. Those failures, disappointments, hurts a...