# 2 for today Ridiculous and sublime
Ridiculous I have trained my dog Penny to go to the dictionary, look up words, and then tell me what they mean. The cats, Ada and Adelaide are also in training. This is for next year’s Sarasota Marathon. They are already excellent sprinters, particularly when they hear the sound of a can being opened. You probably did not know that I have bought five goldfish. They are in a nice bowl, and I have taught them to sing. Whenever a guest peers into the bowl the gold fish, (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy), swim to the surface and sing “Five go-old fish” (adapted from a Christmas Song). Next to be adopted will be snakes. I’ll get four of them, and teach them to hiss in harmony. I’ll take them on the road when they have mastered the Hallelujah Chorus. (No, I am not on hallucinogenic drugs. Yes, I should “get a life”.) Fun, if not sublime. Adelaide, the junior cat, loves to come and stare at me when I evacuate my bowels each morning. She stares up at me in my enthroned sta...