Palm Sunday - a critique
Tomorrow (today by the time you read this) March 16th 2008 is, in the western Christian tradition known as “Palm Sunday: The Sunday of the Passion”. For thirty years I thought that this was an important day in the life of the Church, and urged the parishioners in Fitchburg, Chicopee, Pittsfield and Cambridge (each in Massachusetts) to attend. I planned exquisite and lovely liturgies, and even if they did not “come off” - well there was always next year. Now, two years into retirement, I am not sure if I will attend the Palm/Passion Sunday liturgies. If I do, it will be at St.X's Church where there will be many palms, but little passion. St. X's is a great Church. The Clerics preach well, the music is superb, the ambiance is liberal, and the people are cool. Liberal as it is (and I love that), it is a “top-down” parish with the Rector (a good and wise man) very much in control. St. X's does everything right, but it lacks passion. I long for this Church to “let loose”....