
Showing posts from May 15, 2011

A christian sceptic's "take" on "the rapture"

(With thanks to my former colleague Bob Ginn. His Facebook posting inspired this screed.  He is not responsible for what I write!) So, the “rapture” did not happen today (unless I have been hangin’ around with the wrong people and am therefore “left behind” (lol). I am not sure who is the most stupid in all of this kerfuffle. Is it Harold Camping , the California pastor who “crunched the numbers” based on Noah’s universal flood (itself unhistorical and mythical)?  ( Garbage in – garbage out - as if God’s word is all a matter of numerology). Is it his sad followers, some of whom liquidated all their assets in preparation for the “great hoax”?  I could feel sorry for them – except that they too have minds, minds which have been closed to history and science, and have been opened to speculation alone. Or is it the media – press, T.V., blogs, social networks etc -  the list goes on -  who have reported Pastor Camping’s nonsense as if it ...

A "mess" of what?

I grew up using the “Authorised” (King James) translation of the Holy Scriptures.  My memory informed me that in the Genesis Chapter 25 story Jacob gave his brother Esau a “mess of pottage”. Today I discovered that those fascinating words: “a mess of pottage” are not in the text of the AV/KJV translation.  Instead it reads: “34 Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils”. It seems that the “mess of pottage” language was used in a translator’s “heading” to the passage, and that it was not in the biblical text itself. I have discovered that in the usage of 16 th century England a “mess” meant something of little value, and that “pottage” meant soup or stew. I got to thinking about this when I had a late lunch at a local restaurant last Monday.  The establishment is on the Philippi Creek in southern Sarasota. It’s nicely rustic, but it serves below par food,  at above par prices.  My choice last Monday was a bowl of seafood gumbo.  The menu said ...

Ireland and the U.K.

Although British born, I am not a monarchist, nor have I ever been such. BUT I have been delighted with the words and deeds of the U.K. Head of State, Queen Elizabeth II in her state visit to the Republic of Ireland, and in the responses of the Irish leaders and people. There is something to be said for having a Head of State who is not a politician.   The Republic of Ireland has its President.  The United Kingdom has its Queen. Q.E. II and the Irish President ( Mary McAleese) have each exemplified grace, dignity and wisdom which would have been unthinkable even 20 years ago. How refreshing to see that two nations with a long and bitter shared  history  can now act "all grown up". Good for Mary of Ireland and Elizabeth of the United Kingdom!

Religious suckers.

[There is no proof that Phineas Taylor Barnum ever said, "there's a sucker born every minute." He did, however, say that "every crowd has a silver lining," and acknowledged that "the public is wiser than many imagine." ]  (From the Ringling Brothers website) What with Twitter, Facebook and a thousand and one blogs, there are few editorial filters for news and/or comment on the internet.  We are thus in a time when any crack-pot theory is accepted as true or as factual just so long as it has been “published” on the web.   P.T. Barnum aside, there are many suckers out there! Here is an example: An acquaintance of mine from Massachusetts placed the following link on his Facebook page. This  acquaintance   is a bright and engaging College graduate.   I was appalled that he would give any credence to such clap trap.    So I sent him a le...

"Screened-in porch"

I was happy to hire Aldo Bari, a local handyman,  to make some cosmetic improvements to the interior of my screened-in porch. He insulated the skimpy metal underneath the windows, then added laminate, painted it, and framed it (with beading). I hope that these pics will illustrate the good work he did. And I have added a gratuitous photo' of my beloved Penne! Before During After -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Voyeurs or participants (2)

Some 25 years ago I took a vacation in Hawaii.   I spent some time on Oahu, and some on Maui.   I also took a plane trip which flew us over most of the Hawaiian Islands, and included a superb view of “Madame Pele” -   an active volcano on “The Big Island”. Hawaii was O.K. in its own way, but it was no place for a single and gay man.   Most of the other holiday makers were heterosexuals who were newly engaged, newly married, or celebrating a wedding anniversary. On one night I took a “Sunset Cruise” out of Maui. Tight-assed or obsessive as I am, I was one of the first to board. I took a seat on a bench on the starboard side of the boat. I was soon joined by two couples.   It was apparent that they were mother and father plus son and daughter-in-law, or daughter and son in law. The younger male sat to my immediate left, with the other members of the family to his left.   He half turned away from me -   his body language indicating “don’t talk to us”...