A christian sceptic's "take" on "the rapture"
(With thanks to my former colleague Bob Ginn. His Facebook posting inspired this screed. He is not responsible for what I write!) So, the “rapture” did not happen today (unless I have been hangin’ around with the wrong people and am therefore “left behind” (lol). I am not sure who is the most stupid in all of this kerfuffle. Is it Harold Camping , the California pastor who “crunched the numbers” based on Noah’s universal flood (itself unhistorical and mythical)? ( Garbage in – garbage out - as if God’s word is all a matter of numerology). Is it his sad followers, some of whom liquidated all their assets in preparation for the “great hoax”? I could feel sorry for them – except that they too have minds, minds which have been closed to history and science, and have been opened to speculation alone. Or is it the media – press, T.V., blogs, social networks etc - the list goes on - who have reported Pastor Camping’s nonsense as if it ...