N.T. Wright
N.T Wright of Durham Bishop Tom Wright of Durham, UK wrote the following
http://www.anglicancommunioninstitute.com/2009/07/rowan%e2%80%99s-reflections-unpacking-the-archbishop%e2%80%99s-statement/ My skeptical mind says thinks that Bishop Wright is saying: 1) The Archbishop is very obscure.
2) I, + Tom Wright, brilliant Bishop of Durham can explain it all.
3) You – un-brilliant lesser clerics and lay people, better believe what I say. Cos I am smart. And you are not smart. This former Parish Priest ( RetiredPove) has a simple question for Bishop Wright of Durham: “Did you consult with/ask permission of your supervisors ( ++John of York or ++ Rowan of Canterbury) before you went to press?
As a curate I would not have gone to press without my rector’s permission.
As a rector, I would trust my curates to consult with me before going to press. So +, Tom of Durham. Did you check with your Primate (++ John of York) before you commented on ++ Rowan’s missive?