Much over-rated donuts, but quite good coffee

That 9500 mile 'bus trip was indeed a great adventure. It had its wonderful days, and others which were trying. I look back with gratitude to the people who opened their homes to us, in Tulsa, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Bellingham, Calgary, Toronto, Marblehead and Washington DC. Comfortable beds, good food, hot showers and the like were a gift to be treasured in the light of many overnight 'bus rides and fast food meals. Here are a few of my memories, culled from the Journal I kept that September. ------------------------------------------------------------- * Entranced by Manhattan. We stayed at the Episcopal Church's General Theological Seminary (Chelsea area) with my friend Paul G who had studied there and who knew the Island well. He was our tour guide and driver. NYC, especially Manhattan Island, attracts tourists from all over the world. Ann and I were the 1975 tourists who were energised by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central P...