Daily Breath Of Fresh Air - Out And About In The Covid 19 era.
In normal days and in Covid 19 days I am still able to go with Zion for a daily walk at Sarasota's Bayfront Park. We are usually there before 7:00 a.m. Most days we encounter our usual cast of characters. (And of course we keep safe distances). First names have been changed. There is Brenda with her dog Charlie. Brenda walks at high speed, Charlie too. For our first year she would avoid making eye contact with me. I due course she concluded that I was safe, and we now exchange cheery greetings. Bart and Sarah. They are business friends (i,e, not a couple) who walk each day. Bart has an ever active mind and tongue. Sarah keeps up (as best she can) with his repartee. They adore Zion (and other dogs). Bob knows how to give Zion the "bestest" back rubs. Kate walks very early with her maltese/miniature poodle cross Milo. The dog is a bundle of energy. He squeals like a stuck pi...