The Washburns of Maine - a noble family.
Israel Washburn (1784 – 1876) and Martha Washburn (1792 – 1861) ran a store, and then a farm in Livermore, Maine. They had a hard-scrabble life. Israel had moved to Maine from Raynham, MA. He had been a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1815/16 and 1818/19. The Washburns had eleven children (one of whom died soon after birth) – seven sons and four daughters. Here are some notes on five of the sons: Israel Washburn Jr 1813-1883 was a Representative to the U.S. Congress (Maine 6 th District from 1851 -1853. He was Governor of Maine from 1861 -1863. Elihu B Washburne 1816 – 1887 (he added an “e” to the family name) was a United States Representative from Illinois between 1853 and 1869. He became the United States Secretary of State under President Ulysses Grant (President from 1869 – 1877). Washburne had the briefest term of any Secretary of State - a meagre ten days, for then he accepted the post of Minister (Ambassador) t...