The C'S: Canterbury Cathedral, Clifton Down, and Christ Church, Clifton.
The C'S : C anterbury C athedral , C lifton Down , and C hrist C hurch , C lifton . I've told you a bit about my transition into Anglicanism at Canterbury Cathedral, and about the way that the very building spoke to me - saying "come home". I've also told you about the Bristol Downs (Durdham and Clifton) and the 441 acres of lovely open space in what is a fair sized City. Matters came together when on a Good Friday in about 1970, I attended an evening service at C hrist C hurch , C lifton ( which stands on C lifton Down) . I cannot remember what the preacher said, but I do remember that I left that service knowing without a doubt that G-d, The Holy One, loved me unconditionally. That tipped the scales. I began to attend Christ Church just after Whit Sunday (Pentecost Sunday) in that year. It was at C hrist C hurch , C lifton that I was C onfirmed, and it was from C hrist C ...