Prayer and silence (2)
“Let thy soul walk soft within thee, as a saint in heaven unshod. For to be alone in silence is to be alone with God” I ended my blog entry yesterday with these words: “If we listened (to God) how might we hear, and what would we hear?” 1. HOW? I offer a few suggestions. (a) Some of the mystics and saints (of many religions) have heard a clear and audible voice. They believed it to be the voice of God. I do not discount the possibility of such a voice, but I must also be reminded that some megalomaniacs, or tragically mentally ill folks (and I do not place them in the same “box”) have claimed to have heard God’s voice. Should we hear such a voice, it will only be congruent with the will of God if it is congruent with the witness of scripture. Only those “voices” which instruct us to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God” (Micah 6:8) may be trusted. (b) After long silences in the presence of God, we may well he...