
Showing posts from January 9, 2022

Cooking and Splurging Today

COOKING My Saturday Soup. Cock o leekie soup. Some for me, some to share.                                     SPLURGING A visit to the Artisan Cheese Shop. 550 Central Avenue, Sarasota. Pate and Mousse. One for me, one to share Cheeses 1 Cheeses 2 Apple  Pie Jam (to share) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                         A bit about the Cheeses 1   Hafod . Pronounced “Ha Vod” A Welsh-made Cheddar cheese with rich, layered flavours and a supple texture, Hafod is generally found to be le...


  My Health Insurance plan dictates that I can no longer use the Orthopedic Surgeon who treated my Sacroiliitis last year  (Boo Hoo). The Sacroiliitis has flared up again.  I have been referred to another Surgeon, I went to his office today, bearing with me a disk of the x rays which the 2021 surgeon used. "To his Office?"  The receptionist had no idea of who was the Dr. Miller who was to be my new Orthopedist.  I was sure that I was in the right Office.  She was sure that no Dr. Miller practised medicine in that Office, Then she, brighter than I     asked "Do you mean Dr. Harper?" ( " er " apart).  Of course  I meant Harp er , not Mill er . DUH  I had confused a Miller with a Harpist ( Harpe r). TEE HEE OF COURSE. And thanks for an astute receptionist!

Christopher Smart Hymns (in the Episcopal Church Hymnal 1982)

1. (Perhaps one of my favourite Hymns) We sing of God, the mighty source of all things; the stupendous force on which all strength depends; from whose right arm, beneath whose eyes, all period, power and enterprise commences, reigns and ends. Tell them I AM, the Lord God said, to Moses while on earth in dread and smitten to the heart, at once, above, beneath, around, all nature without voice or sound replied, O Lord, thou art. Glorious the sun in mid career; glorious the assembled fires appear; glorious the comet's train: glorious the trumpet and alarm; glorious the almighty stretched-out arm; glorious the enraptured main: Glorious, most glorious, is the crown of him that brought salvation down by meekness, Mary's son; seers that stupendous truth believed, and now the matchless deeds achieved, determined, dared and done. Enjoy this Hymn and the magnificent tune "Magdalene College" ----------------------------------------------------------...

"My Cat Jeoffrey " The Gorgeous Mystikal Poetry of CHRISTOPHER SMART

T.S. Elliot's poetry often springs out of his High Church Anglican religious convictions.    To quote a verse from Psalm 131 Elliot's work often bears " things too wonderful for me". It is not readily accessible to me in the manner of  (say ) the poems of Wordswoth.    For instance I read Wordsworth's  " Composed upon  Westminster Bridge , September 3, 1802"  and "get it" right way. It is not so with Elliot's works. Even his well loved and recited  Prufrock has deep levels of meaning.   What is his twice repeated " In the room the women come and go  Talking of Michelangelo" all about?  It's only in recent weeks that I've hit upon its meaning  -  at least I think so! I usually post Elliot's "The  Journey of the Magi" on the Feast of the Epiphany. I forgot to do so this year. It's about as uncomplicated as Elliot gets! Here it is as read by T.S.E. himself. ...

There Comes a Time in Life When the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Makes Perfect Sense.

1 .  As read by T. S. Elliot himself. 2.  The Text    ( Emphases mine) S’io credesse che mia risposta fosse A persona che mai tornasse al mondo, Questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse. Ma percioche giammai di questo fondo Non torno vivo alcun, s’i’odo il vero, Senza tema d’infamia ti rispondo. Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherized upon a table; Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets, The muttering retreats Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells: Streets that follow like a tedious argument Of insidious intent To lead you to an overwhelming question ... Oh, do not ask, “What is it?” Let us go and make our visit. In the room the women come and go Talking of Michelangelo. The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes, The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes, Licked its tongue into the corners of th...

Sarasota's Bobby Jones Golf Club renewal approved by the City Commissioners. A WIN/WIN

  Bobby Jones Golf Course, about 500 yards from my home . Created in 1927 the City of Sarasota Golf Courses:  45 holes a British course,  an American course,  and an Executive course)  were created for for Jane and John Anybody; i.e. those residents who could not afford membership in exclusive private courses. As is the case in many public facilities there was no endowment for long term maintenance and improvement. This fiscal neglect was exacerbated by the 2008 recession. The three courses were in bad shape. What to do?  Selling the land for development  (300 acres) was unthinkable. No right minded person would favour the use of  Tumbrils to transport  the five City Commissioners to a place of execution.  We were not in a January 6th 2020 insurrectionist mood. A popular  plan emerged: "The existing structures at the golf course would  be removed to make way for the Bobby Jones Golf Club master plan improvem...

Lamb Chops a la Michael Povey. (Lunch 9th January 2022)

  Red skinned potatoes; assorted mushrooms; lamb chops  - cooked to my favourite degree of pinktitude!; and home made mint sauce -  not to be confused with the ghastly American mint jelly!

Phun and Phrolics in the Pharmacy

Zion's Phavourite Pharmacist moved on to another store (boo-hoo) . Her successor didn't quite get it especially when other members of the pharmacy staff would cry out "here's Zion".  Perhaps he was thinking "who is Zion and what is all this phuss about?" Then he too was seduced by Zion's demeanor; all round charm; and good looks. A day or two ago the pharmacist opened the door between the pharmacy and the store and called out to my dog. Zion ambled over then ran back to me 'cause there were no treats in store.   The pharmacist got the message and came back with treats. Zion, faster than a speeding bullet ran t'wards the open hand. Then the pharmacist began to run the length of the pharmacy with Z close behind.  The staff (who are all phriends of Z) enjoyed the performance. Order restored I ventured to a staff member that this had probably been a brief mental health break.  She agreed. Pharmacists and their staff members are under great p...