Of Greyhounds and a cat
I miss my pal Ben. He is a great dog, and I am sorry that his separation anxiety problem made it impossible for me to keep him. The Racing Dog Rescue Program folks agree that I made a wise decision, and they tell me that he has settled well in his new home where he has a greyhound companion. RDRP had a meet and greet session at Pet Smart this morning. http://rdrp.org/event/meet-greet-at-petsmart-srq/?instance_id=202 I went there in the hope that Ben and his new family would be there, and because I wanted to make a small donation to RDRP, Ben was not there, but I got my greyhound fix. As I scratched the head and haunches of one of the beasts he pressed his body into my legs. That was so good. I was tempted to say "come home and live with me". I resisted that temptation because I should not have a dog in my home until after my summer and early autumn travels... but I was on the brink! -----------------------------------------------...