The death of my Bishop: M.Thomas Shaw.
The following (after ***) is a tender and accurate Boston Globe story about the death of my Bishop, the Rt. Revd M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE. (Click on the link, or read the text). First, my comments: (For those who are not Episcopalians/Anglicans – yes there are monks and nuns [ spiritual brothers and sisters] who are members of various monastic and conventual “orders” in the Anglican Communion. Bishop Shaw was a monk in one of those orders “The Society of St. John the Evangelist”, hence SSJE.. When I was appointed to be the Rector at St. James’s, Cambridge, MA in August 2000, Bishop Shaw welcomed me with open arms. Although I had never served under his leadership he somehow knew a bit about me, and he was delighted that I would serve St. James’s. Bishop Shaw became the Bishop of a divided and fractious Diocese of Massachusetts in Jan 1995. His servant leadership led to deep unity within the Diocese, and a renewal o...