
Showing posts from October 25, 2020

The Principled Principal

  When the Sarasota County Humane Society offered a gig for therapy dogs and their owners Zion and I responded with alacrity. Back to work at last! The gig was to be at Sarasota's Riverview High School   RHS in pre-Covid Days We showed up this morning at 10:00 a.m.  Soon after signing in we were greeted by the Principal. "The Principal?"  My old fashioned and sometimes untrained mind expected that we would meet a man; (the austere Head Master of my school 1955-1960 in mind.)  He, with the other teachers always swanned around the school;   be-clad in formal dress and black academic gowns). Shock, horror disbelief ! "The Principal".  at RHS?  She is Erin del Castillo. Nothing austere here.  Simply a desire to make RHS the best and most whole place in these difficult and confusing COVID 19 days. For Ms. del Castillo that best and most whole vision is rooted in her support for her staff.  Thus it was when she polled the staff re a supp...

BACK TO WORK: Sweet Talk and Whoop-dee-do

I was sweet talking Zion yesterday afternoon.   He instantly responded by rolling on to his back so that I would give him a belly rub.   I would do the same should you sweet talk me. I love how our dogs display their front paws when a belly rub is in the offing. No sooner had I taken this photo' that I got an e-mail from the Sarasota County Humane Society.   It asked "even though we cannot do Canine Therapy at retirement communities and rest homes, would any Therapy Teams be free to engage in some Canine Therapy at Sarasota's Riverview High School on Friday 30th October 2020?". Riverview High School. It took me less than a minute to respond.  YES!   I'll be there at 10:00 a.m. Back to work! I will socially distance.   Zion will suck up every and all belly rubs, from students or from staff. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Should he be offered a treat this is what staff or students will see....

Pretty Darn Good Breakfast!

  Delicious! I eat it with (which I know is not to everyone's taste).   Half and half also works.

This Delightful Child

  This delightful child is a part of my extended family: 14 nieces/nephews; 21 great-nephews/nieces; 1 great-great niece, with a great-great nephew on the way. I'll not tell you her name -  even children have a right to privacy. I'll place an easy bet that many of you have had a  young daughter or son, grandson or granddaughter;  who has indulged in similar art work

When My Heart is in the Bay State.

  I lived and worked in Massachusetts (the Bay State) for thirty years. My heart is often there, not of course in the bitterly cold winters; but frequently in the beautiful autumns. I crossed the French King Bridge (across the Connecticut River) on Route 2; on the Western Massachusetts so-called "Mohawk Trail" ,  so many times. It's a gorgeous bridge, high above the river; between the towns of Erving and Gill. Here is a great aerial and autumnal photo' of the bridge and the river.   It doesn't get much better than this: Photo' via my Western Mass friend the Revd. Jane Dunning. ( A Google search will tell you more about the bridge)