The Principled Principal

 When the Sarasota County Humane Society offered a gig for therapy dogs and their owners Zion and I responded with alacrity. Back to work at last!

The gig was to be at Sarasota's Riverview High School


RHS in pre-Covid Days

We showed up this morning at 10:00 a.m.  Soon after signing in we were greeted by the Principal.

"The Principal?"  My old fashioned and sometimes untrained mind expected that we would meet a man; (the austere Head Master of my school 1955-1960 in mind.)  He, with the other teachers always swanned around the school;   be-clad in formal dress and black academic gowns).

Shock, horror disbelief !

"The Principal".  at RHS?  She is Erin del Castillo.

Nothing austere here.  Simply a desire to make RHS the best and most whole place in these difficult and confusing COVID 19 days.

For Ms. del Castillo that best and most whole vision is rooted in her support for her staff.  Thus it was when she polled the staff re a support programme she asked;

1.  Would you like a food fest?

2. Would you like a break from teaching; a break in which the support staff would sit in for you in the classroom?

3. Would you like a visit from Canine Therapy teams?

The staff response was all for Canine  Therapy.

Thus it was that at 10:00 a.m. today Zion and I showed up at RHS this morning, not knowing what to expect; only to be surprised that Principal Erin del Castillo herself would be our chaperone.

We met many students.  More importantly we met many teachers/instructors who were tickled pink to have a love-fest with Mr. Z.

It was a grand time. Thank you Erin.

And it is an important time to voice support for all public school staff.  

Just how do you run and teach at a school at which 30% of students have opted for distance learning;  and the other 70% prefer in school  education?

Who would be a school teacher/ principle under such strictures?  

Damn tough eh?

Please.  No more cheap shots at school teachers and administrators  .   NO MORE.

LOTS OF LOVE AND RESPECT for the Erin del Castillo's of today.


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