I heard Billy Graham in London, 1965. My denomination did not approve of him. They were peeved because his organisation did not refer converts to "Bible believing Chuches". One woman in my local Church did not like him because she said "he has very cold eyes" (based on a photograph!) Nevertheless some of we younger folks went up to London to see and hear him. Here is where memory is tricky. The 1965 Crusade was held at the Earl's Court Exhibition hall, but my memory is of being at the (old) Wembley Stadium. Maybe we were there for the final night which was at Wembley. I was distinctly unimpressed with his sermon. It was long, rambling and boring. But at the end, when we all sang "Just as I am" hundreds streamed forward to "accept Christ". We have no idea of what percentage were "off the street" unbelievers, and what percentage were existing Church goers. We do know that the Graham Organization were past-maste...