At the local Publix Market this afternoon I bumped into Randy, a Mennonite Minister who sometimes volunteers at Resurrection House. He is a gentle and sweet man who lives up to the very best of Mennonite traditions. We chatted about his congregation and he related that last Sunday they had an informal conversation regarding their common fears on the cusp of a Presidential election, and with the American economy in the tank. (Unemployment is all around, and all too many houses have been abandoned, or are in foreclosure – you know the story wherever you live). We agreed that our response as Christians is that we will share. However hard the times become (and they will become harder) – we will share. We will share food, and money, and bedrooms before our sisters and brothers become homeless or destitute. We will share our fears. We will share our hope in Christ Jesus. We will share our laughter. And we will remember, that to a greater or lesser extent, we have all benefited from the mock...