I have “had it” with “Christian” right wingers They are wrong. #1. The Pope is a delusional megalomaniac. The use of condoms does not, as he believes, contribute to the spread of AIDS. He is blinkered, ignorant, or wilfully stupid if he believes this. #2. Bishop Duncan (formerly of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh [USA]) asserts that my beloved Episcopal Church has created a “new religion”. He offers not one shred of evidence to support his views. He simply asserts this, but his assertion is no more than his opinion. I know not of one Episcopal Church leader who denies the truth of the Holy Scriptures or of the Creeds I think that the Bishop lives in an un-parallel world of his own ego and imagination #3. In a recent NPR radio programme, a spokesman for the Protestant “Liberty University” in Lynchburg, VA, (a creation of a fundamentalist preacher - Jerry Falwell), opposed gay marriages or unions , and the adoption of children by gay/lesbian couples. He did so on the ...