Its been said that if you keep doing the same thing over and over again, and it does not bring about the result you desire, then you might want to stop doing it. Which leads me to ask "why do white racists in the USA keep doing the same thing over and over again, when their desired result of an "an all white, 'Christian' America" has never come to pass, (nor will it, sans massive violence, civil war, brutality and genocide) .? It's because RACISM MAKE NO SENSE. RACISM --- divides people rather than uniting them destroys rather than building up creates fear rather than hope is rooted in hatred rather than in love is based in anger rather than in a desire for peace depends upon violence to achieve its ends ......................... and this list could go one and on. IN THE FACE OF THIS --- Racism makes no sense, and racists are ignorant, ill-informed, unwilling to learn, or just plain stupid. Do not despise them, but by all means ha...