
Showing posts from February 28, 2016

Simply silliness

Via Suzanne B Via Mark D Via Paul W

Hail and Farewell

Some of you will remember my tales about my troubled and troublesome neighbour Edythe T. She died in Jan 2015. Her affairs were not in the greatest shape, but mercifully she had made a will. The  executor was her brother, The Honorable Judge Edward T from Detroit. Judge T and his wife Lynn have made many visits from Detroit to SRQ in order to "sort out" Edythe's affairs -  a difficult task indeed (partly because she was a hoarder).  I have grown to know and like them during their many visits. Indeed, long before she died, when it became clear that Edythe would never return home from a nursing home it fell to  my lot and that of another neighbour Kathy O. to rid E's home of all manner of decaying and decay-able foods! The saga is over.   Edythe T's property has been sold, The Judge and his wife have been in SRQ  for the closing.  They will soon be able to return to their home in Detroit, never again to worry about matters relating to Edyth...



Racism makes no sense - a warning to "Christian" voters.

Its been said that if you keep doing the same thing over and over again, and it does not bring about the result you desire, then you might want to stop doing it. Which leads me to ask "why do white racists in the USA keep doing the same thing over and over again, when their desired result of an  "an all white, 'Christian' America" has never come to pass, (nor will it, sans massive violence, civil war, brutality and genocide) .? It's because RACISM MAKE NO SENSE. RACISM --- divides people rather than uniting them destroys rather than building up creates fear rather than hope is rooted in hatred rather than in  love is based in anger rather than in a desire for peace depends upon violence to achieve its ends .........................  and this list could go one and on. IN THE FACE OF THIS --- Racism makes no sense, and racists are ignorant, ill-informed, unwilling to learn,  or just plain stupid. Do not despise them, but by all means ha...

I hate to waste food - but there are perils.

On Monday 29th Feb I decided to use some leftover food for my breakfast. I had a bit of uncooked spinach, and a half of an already baked sweet potato, which I did not wish to waste I sautéed the spinach and sweet potato in a bit of Olive oil, and thus has a "waste not, want not breakfast". It was good. I tried the same trick again today, Tuesday  1st.March. This time my plan was to use up a bit of left-over spinach salad, supplemented with a hard-boiled egg.  "Waste not, want not". I took the spinach salad in its glass bowl from my fridge, and placed it on top of the oven. ( So foolish!!) I put some water in a saucepan to boil the egg. les I turned on my oven burner to cook the egg. Sad to say I had made a grave mistake. For I had  turned on the wrong burner. Instead of boiling an egg I had heated the glass bowl which contained the remnants of salad. Said glass bowl exploded from the intense heat - scattering shards of glass and bits of salad al...

St. David's Day March 1st

St. David is the Patron Saint of Wales.   (Are there any countries with Matron Saints? ). There had never been a Welsh Nation, with national insitutions such as a Parliament, a Monarchy, or well defined borders. (It was not until my own lifetime that it was decided that the County of Monmouth was part of Wales and not an appendix to England). So there were no National Institutions, Rather there were the Welsh lands, the Welsh people, and the Welsh Principalities which were absorbed into England by fair means or foul. But of course the Welsh people "gave" the Tudor dynasty to the English Monarchy. In recent years the generous U.K. Government (LOL) has granted a measure of home rule to the Welsh people in the form of the Welsh Assembly. We'd be wise to understand it as a regional or provincial Assembly  -  but with no ability to raise taxes, or to have an independent foreign policy. The historical  English view of  Welsh people has ...

'Ere's sum prattle

The reader of the second bible reading (the Epistle) at St. Boniface Church this morning (8:00 a.m.) did so with such intelligence, understanding and clarity that my ears and heart rejoiced. I saw him after service and thanked him for his skill as a Lector. He was truly touched to hear my praise. Whatever the context if you see, hear, or note a job being well done, do take time to thank the person whose skill delighted you. Genuine gratitude, personally and verbally  expressed can be a powerful antidote to the whining which dominates much of our lives, and the lives of those around us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am reading   "My History - A Memoir of Growing Up" by Lady Antonia Fraser the noted and celebrated historian and author. I had forgotten (or never knew) that she is the daughter of Frank and Elizabeth Pakenham, devoted Roman Catholic Christians, and passionate Socialists (in ...