
Showing posts from February 27, 2022

"Povey Prattle" is taking a rest. (Goodbye Micky)

 Povey Prattle is taking a rset. I am doing this because when I transfer  Povey Prattle stuff to Facebook (which is how most of you see it) a photo' of the poet  MickyScottBeyJones often attaches itself to my posting. I've not been able to find a way to delete the story I wrote about Micky very many years ago.  It's one of life's minor annoyances. So I will no longer post on Povey Prattle.  If you are one of the five or six readers or followers of that blog you'll be able to read my nonsense and good sense  on a new blog "More Prattle from Povey" If you follow me on Facebook there is nothing you need to do.  The only difference is that you'll no longer see the confusing photo' of Micky Scott Bey Jones. But do look her up via a web search.  She is a terrific poet.

WOW! (or for some UGH)

  Fava (Broad) Beans, Leek, and Brussels Sprouts - par boiled. Bacon cut into two inch bits and skillet fried at a low heat, to release fat. Veggies put on top of Bacon and Fat, together with Beef Kidney (for some the UGH  factor!)  The melange gently heated and stirred until the kidneys were cooked. Yummy for me!

A Prayer in the Time of War

This gives me goosebumps.    jmp

Gustatory double-dipping on 1st March 2022

  By happenstance March 1st 2022 is Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) - a moveable event which depends on the date of Easter  and St. David's Day (which is always March 1st). Be it Shrove Tuesday or St. David's Day there are traditional foods. SHROVE TUESDAY  (commonly know in Britain and in British Commonwealth Countries as "Pancake Day")  is a day to feast on Pancakes.  They are not your common or garden American Pancakes which have to be triply immersed in fake maple syrup to make them marginally edible.   Rather they are the far superior CREPES - the real thing.  My mother made pancakes, not knowing that they were Crepes. With that in mind I had breakfast today in a new Sarasota Cafe which specializes in Crepes.   I was there with my friends Donna Chrisman and Ashley Lloyd. Much to the confusion of the cook I ordered a naked Crepe, i.e. one with no filling  or side dish. In the English style I sprinkled it with sugar, and s...

1st March Shrove Tuesday AND St. David's Day coincide in 2022

                                             Saint David's Cathedral, Wales On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 7:23 AM MICHAEL POVEY   wrote: St. David having been **shriven on this day in 572 CE,  was concerned lest he should fall into sin before Ash Wednesday. Knowing that the devil finds work for idle hands he busied himself by inventing Pancakes. That's my story and I am sticking to it.   jmp  **   1  Shrove is derived from shriven. FOR MORE ON SHRIVEN SEE THIS:

UKRANIAN COURAGE! Do You Remember Lt. Col. Alexander Vinman?

         He is in my Pantheon of Ukrainian  Heroes. Lt. Col. Alexander Vinman,  Ukranian/American former U.S. Army Officer  "spoke truth to power" and was horribly harassed by former President Donald Trump, because he (Vinman) spoke the truth.    He  rattled the cage of a President who was "The Liar In Chief", and who wouldn't recognise the truth if it was served up as the side dish to a Bacon Double Cheese Burger.  See this if your memory needs sharpening. If you are a Wikipedia sceptic see this from the Military Times (Feb 2020)

Sarasota County, FL.

  This Food is Delicious.   Rice Pudding made with Evaporated Milk and Coconut Milk. Creamy  with a good taste of Coconut.

Manatee County, Florida.

  This Food  Could  Be Dangerous.