The unloved Love Bugs are back
It was maybe eight to ten years ago when I first encountered Love Bugs. I was driving back to Sarasota from Arcadia. My windscreen and the front of my car was splattered with with the dead bodies of these flies. (Brother Martyn, this might have been on your first visit here when we were driving back from the Arcadia Royal Air Force ceremony on Memorial Day). I was advised to use a scrubbing brush and water to get rid of them as soon as possible - under the belief that their bodily fluids could cause harm to the paint work. Love Bug visitations have been few and far between since then. But they are back in force this year. They are not harmful to humans, but they are high on our nuisance factor list. I think that we need these nuisances to remind us that we are not in control of everything. And there is a bonus side: "Car Wash businesses love them". (A spoof view of Sarasota from space in these Love Bug infestation days.) More ab...