More stuff from Queen Victoria
I started this thread two days ago with a quotation from Queen Victoria which surprised me. It had to do with the plan to enlist two of her grandsons in the Royal Navy. Here it is again: "Will a nautical education not engender and encourage national prejudices and make them think that their own Country is superior to any other? With the greatest love for and pride of one's own Country, a Prince, and especially one who is some day to be its Ruler, should not be imbued with the prejudices and peculiarities of his own Country...." I found that quotation in Kenneth Rose’s biography of King George V (published by Alfred A. Knofp in 1984). Kenneth Rose has some other quotations from Queen Victoria which lead me to understand that she was (for her era) an enlightened Monarch. Here is one. First , re her representative in India (the Viceroy) Queen Victoria wrote: “The future Vice Roy must really shake himself more and more from the red-tapist narrow-minded Coun...