Daily Breath Of Fresh Air - Out And About In The Covid 19 era.

In normal days and in Covid 19 days I am still able to go with Zion for a daily walk at Sarasota's Bayfront Park.

We are usually there before 7:00 a.m.  Most days we encounter our usual cast of characters.  (And of course we keep safe distances).

First names have been changed.

There is Brenda with her dog Charlie.   Brenda walks at high speed, Charlie too.  For our first year she would avoid making eye contact with me.  I due course she concluded that I was safe, and we now exchange cheery greetings.

Bart and Sarah.  They are business friends  (i,e, not a couple)  who walk each day.

Bart has an ever active mind and tongue.  Sarah keeps up (as best she can) with his repartee.  They adore Zion  (and other dogs).  Bob knows how to give Zion the "bestest" back rubs.

Kate walks very early with her maltese/miniature poodle cross Milo.    The dog is a bundle of energy.  He squeals like a stuck pig when he sees other dogs, or his favourite humans.  He jumps all over Zion who bears it with his usual equanimity.

(You'll have to take the squeals like a stuck pig reference on faith, for I have never seen, heard, or had a conversation with one.)

Another Sarah, with her dog Chris.   Sarah is the canine treat Queen.   Upon sighting her Zion does his frequent "Aren't I a cute dog shtick". He sits and offers her a paw even as he struggles not to salivate.

Another Kate has very long morning walks.  She is so pleased if she gets a "dog fix" encounter with Zion or Milo.

And there is another Brenda, with her gorgeous standard poodle Ninean.  The dog walks with such grace and dignity.  Brenda always has a smile.  I haven't seen them in a couple of months - which makes me worry a bit.

Sometimes we'll see men of a certain age up to their bums in waders as they cast lines into the Bay.  "Hope springs eternal in the angler's breast".

Usually two or three rough sleepers too.  If they are up and about I make it a point to greet them lest they should think that their status renders them invisible.

I see Pelicans soaring and diving; and Skimmers skimming. 

Sometimes the distant purr of a motor boat making it's way across the Bay.

On Thursday 23rd (when this was written)  I saw three paddle boarders out on the Bay at 7:25 a.m., gliding on the water and making their endeavour look effortless.  Such skill.

The only discordant note is that for reasons beyond my ken, our City Parks and Rec. Dept. has decided that every walk way in the park should be tidied by the use of leaf blowers every day.  Such a horrid noise.  Such a wretched stench of gas fumes.

I was at the Park early on Friday 24th  'cause our local weather forecast said that the impending heavy storms would begin by 8:00 a.m.   In the event they came later.

A wee bit of thunder. A lightning strike on one house in the Gulf Gate area  (no injuries thank goodness).  None of the fierce winds which had been expected.  But did it rain.  Heavy rain for more than twelve hours. (The Sarasota County Water Atlas reports  just under 4" in most parts of the City).

There were a few lulls in the storms, so Zion and I were able to get out for a minute or so for pee walks.

Meanwhile, back at the Ranch I had my own in-house flooding (nothing to do with the storm).  You'll have to wait until tomorrow for that sad story.


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