Two bags; two blokes; one dog.


At the first stage of the Covid 19 semi-lockdown  (semi in Florida), Trader Joe's allowed customers to use their own bags; provided that the customer did her/his own bagging.

Now T.J.'s will allow only the use of their own paper  bags.  'Tis understandable.  The sad fact is that we will not be able to re-use the fine T.J. bags until "after the crisis".

My trusty T.J's cloth bag which I cannot now use.

The T.J.   (environmentally friendly) bag which we will not be able to use again until after the crisis.

As Zion and I walked out at Arlington Park this afternoon we encountered David Eichlen and Bob Griffith, two of my favourite St. Boniface Church, Sarasota parishioners. We chatted away.

What gracious serendipity!  


As I was eating supper this early evening the famous Mr. Z  (a.ka. Zion, or Zee-Zee, or Sweetheart ) came to visit me.

Those who have dogs as pets will know how happy this made me.


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