School Daze

Pet Therapy Teams at The New College of Florida in Sarasota today.  Four accidental humans. Four essential canines.

We were there to provide support and encouragement for the 2018/19 Resident Advisors  (R.A's) who are being trained before the new students arrive on Sat 18th/Sun 19th; and the returning students on Weds 22nd.

On a day of intensive training the R.A's took a break at lunch time and got their dog fix.

Two of the other therapy dogs with their human caregivers.

A staff member greets two dogs 

Zion goes belly up at the slightest invitation.

Three new R.A's pay him tribute.

And of course I also got some therapy.  Nothing better than (albeit brief) conversations with splendid and bright young women and men.


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