When I was young(er) and beardless.

This photo' was taken at the former Bement Camp and Conference Centre of the (Episcopal) Diocese of Western Massachusetts.

It was in June 1975.  I was a 31 years old seminarian from the U.K., in between my third and fourth years in Seminary.

I was at Bement to be trained to help lead Vacation Bible Schools in Western MA.  

I was in a team with (l-r)  Debby Jenks, Alan Womer, and Cathy Ambler.   Our supervisor was Noreen Suriner (r), later the Revd. Noreen Suriner.

We served parishes in Greenfield, Worcester, Northborough, and Oxford -  all in Massachusetts - each for two weeks.

That American Summer of 1975 paved the way (all unexpectedly) for me to come to the U.S.A. after Seminary,  to serve parishes in Massachusetts (Fitchburg, Chicopee, Pittsfield and Cambridge); to become an American citizen, and in due course to retire to Sarasota, FL.

I was skinny enough back then!  1975 was the year I grew a beard.  It's been with me more or less ever since then. (I shaved it off in 1983 - hated what I saw - and grew it back immediately.  Hence I have been effectively bearded for  forty three years (and I would not have it any other way).

I try to see the hand and grace of God which led me to that 1975 American summer, and thereafter to life, ministry and rich friendships in the United States.

My siblings, their spouses,  and my nieces and nephews are all tickled pink to have a brother,  or uncle in the U.S. Many have visited me here.

The U.S.A has treated me so very well.But there will always be a part of my heart and life which is English.


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