Rats and Humour

I live in a single storey (British Engliah spelling) condo, the end unit in a  triplex.

There are no fire walls between the units.  So if rats or squirrels make their way in they have a huge playground in the crawl spaces between the roofs and the ceilings.

One such squatting rat has been visiting my unit, via an opening in the wall board  (made to do some plumbing work for the previous owner). 

In nearly sixteen years I've never gotten round to having the opening blocked (duh).

I've been storing Zion's kibble in a big plastic box (the type used to store blankets etc.)

At first when I saw kibble on the floor I thought that I'd been careless when taking food out for Z.

But  I heard the patter of tiny feet, and nocturnal squeaking. Then I discovered that the rodent had chewed through the box for its nightly feast! 

Before I could get the opening fixed I barricaded the door to that the animal could not get into the kitchen.  

A friend suggested that I should leave the door open and allow Zion to be the rat catcher.  Fat chance. Z. would befriend the critter!

My trust Handyman came within hours to secure the wall. You'll see the picture below -  he does splendid work.

Hole in the wall and scattered insulating materials

Hole chewed by rat/s through the storage box

Overnight barricade for emptied cupboard.  I could hear the rat scrabbling away in the night, but it could not get into my kitchen.

Such an elegant repair **

I left the handyman to do his work whilst Zion and I went for a park walk.  When we returned the work had been done. The handyman left this cartoon on my front door.

** The handyman texted me to say that "the bill is in the cupboard"!

I can still hear the patter of ratly feet in the crawl space. I am waiting for an inspector from a rat trapping company to come to place a couple of traps there.  (Sorry Dr. Albert Schweitzer).


I find it odd that if rats get into our units because of the neglect of

outside perimeter inspections by the Condo, Assoc. the owners foot the bill.


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