Task Accomplished - two days later than usual.
My custom has been to delay opening the Christmas Cards I received during December until Christmas Eve. I would open them after late service at which I had Presided.
It was a lovely way to come down to earth after the heavenly experience of Carols and Eucharist.
Once retired, I delayed the card opening until Christmas Day, an equally lovely custom. A way to think of those people who love and care for me and I for them.
Don't ask me why but I did not open my cards this (2021) Christmas Day.
Nor did I open them on Boxing Day as I had promised myself. The spirit was willing, but the flesh was lazy!
Now it is December 27th and it is still Christmas. The cards got opened today. I savoured each and every one with joy!
Maybe later is better.
The paper knife was a gift from my brother Martyn and my sister-in-law Wendy; maybe at my 65th birthday. I reserve its use for Christmas.
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