When Archbishop Tutu Met my Dentist. ( 1 0f 2 )
It was 2002. Archbishop Tutu and and his wife, Leah Nomalizo Shenxane were in residence at the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, MA.
It happens that my Dentist was also on Mass Ave. My new hygienist (from eastern Europe) asked me about my work. When I replied it was clear that she had no clue about the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion.
Seeking a way in I asked if she had heard of Archbishop Tutu. She became animated and lively. She said "oh yes, he was here".
My Dentist overheard our conversation. He came into the room.
It turns out that Archbishop Tutu had a minor dental problem. He had been referred to my Dentist, who by now was quivering with joy.
The Dentist said "I expected him to arrive in a limousine with armed guards. Instead he ambled up Mass Ave all alone in the most casual of casual clothes" My Unitarian Dentist was highly impressed. His hero Bishop Tutu (because of his work for justice) had no airs and graces.
That's the Desmond Tutu we honour.
His utter greatness is epitomized by the simple coffin he chose for his funeral.
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