Dream theme

In the previous four or so months I’ve had a series of dreams with a recurring theme.

In the dream I am at either St. Stephen’s, Pittsfield, or St. James’s, Cambridge. And, in the dream, I should not have been there, for I had resigned six months previously.

But I am in one of those two parishes, and usually in a farewell service in which everything goes wrong.

But that’s not all. In all the dreams I was supposed to have begun a new job the very next day, either as an Assistant Priest or as a Rector, but always in a Parish in Atlanta, GA

And I’ve not packed my bags/sold my condo/called my new boss/told the new Vestry that I’ve accepted its call.

As I “unpack” this dream theme I think that it is revealing two things.

First, that I’ve never truly “let go” of St. Stephen’s or St. James’s. Part of me still longs to be there.

Second, that there is something in my life which I’d still like to do, but I am not prepared for it.

Enough of dream analysis.

Here’s my question.

Why Atlanta?

Why not Bali, or San Francisco, or Paris, or Sienna, or Burgundy - places where I’d love to live!

With all due respect to Atlanta and my friends who live there - I want to dream about some place else!


  1. LOL!

    There is, indeed, something about Atlanta that draws one here. I sometimes have a love/hate relationship with the place. If one considers it is the place where MLK, Jr. did much of his work, where he was touched and inspired by God as a boy growing up on Auburn Avenue, it lends some understanding to the allure of the place. There's a lot of history here, some good, much bad, but always inspiring in the city's resilience.

    Perhaps also the phoenix rising from the ashes holds some significance in your dream?

    Food for thought, anyway.


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